More-Lapa wrote (2018-03-18 09:21:26):
something went wrong with the medium size photos . the originals look ok but the mediums look terrible
Azaza69 wrote (2018-01-22 22:00:36):
Just another shining example, of why I've always considered "Amour Angels", to be the #1 nude photography site, with the absolute most beautiful girls in the world! Always classy, and always the best photography & poses! Thanks, so very much & keep up the great work!
gourekus2 wrote (2017-12-08 00:45:11):
My first thought was: Oh my god, what a face! Enchanting girl with a world class body. Videos, please!
anonymous wrote (2017-11-22 16:00:26):
shes so hot, i wold love to see the video version of this set